17 II - 18 III 1995

Foto © Edward £azikowski. Fraktory FC



What I call "fragtors" are forms which divide any given being into different fragments. Usually they are lines or strands of tracks specific for a given location. Fragtors both differentiate and integrate every possible reality. Practice proves that both processes are inseparable. There can be no integration without fragmentation. There are not as many basic kinds of fragtors as one would believe on the basis of complicated forms which surround us. Complicated forms are created by means of some combination of basic fragtors, by means of putting together numerous multiplications and the pervasion of their different layers. Generally one can distinguish 3 basic classes of fragtors:

  1. - fragtors of broken consistency (FP),
  2. - fragtors of continuous consistency (FC),
  3. - fragtors concentrically dense (FZ). (FZ)


Fragtors of broken consistency are relatively short lines or strands which have their beginning and end, and whose shape is determined beforehand. Those shapes are elementary and simple; they should exemplify fluidity and dynamics which allow to draw them with a loose gesture. Immediately and effortlessly one can enter the automatism of many repetitions in a chosen place, in a chosen scale and at a chosen time, at the same time keeping a specially selected speed, frequency and the direction of the momentum. I find that there are five basic shapes - here they are:

So they are: a part of a straight line, a part of a circle, a part of broken line, a part of a sinuous line and a part of a spiral. Conducting the process of the creation of forms using that kind of fragtors one should pay attention to many important elements. What is most important here is the fact that the tension of form creation does not work all the time, no matter what their source may be. It is rather concentrated in the gaps between individual fragtors. Decisions of form creation are made before each fragtor is drawn. But during the realization itself the tension falls to its possible minimum. Then it rises between the moment when a given fragtor is finished and the moment when the next one begins. And it is then that the following problems have to be solved: a) the place where the fragtor will run, b) the size of the fragtor, c) the speed of the run (at greater speeds the tracks of neighbouring fragtors are heavily deformed or even destroyed completely), d) will there be next fragtors, what will they be Iike, etc. One more remark which is the result of my drawing the fragtors in a concrete place. After some time when the fragtors had been evenly placed they created an effect which resembled somewhat unistic paintings by Strzemiński, but the dynamics were incomparable indeed. When I prolonged the process of creating fragtors there, to my amazement the picture remained almost entirely unchanged. The situation would not change even when the whole process took hours on end. I was amazed, and I thought of analogous situations, like the situation of a prayer, for example reciting mantras, lithanies or telling Rosary beads (prayers have a similar structure of fragtors of this kind). The space and time tissue of voice vibrations hanging around those who pray remains the same all the time, but let us remember-that the changes belonging to those fields which should change are not lost, perhaps, because invisibly they seem to come down on those in deep prayer, and quite often they change them in a somewhat strange, saving fashion... Maybe in a situation of fragtor multiplication of other kinds. for example graphic fragtor multiplication, we also have to do with a similar phenomenon of change within man.

Foto © Edward £azikowski. Fraktory FZ+FC


Fragtors of continuous consistency are sequences of line or strand forms whose run cannot have a definite end. No matter what length they may be, they are always in an unfinished state. A model and ideal track for a run of such a fragtor would be a line or a strand without any breaks whatsoever, running in an unlimited time and space continuum. However, natural reality escapes stereotypes, even if they are the most sophisticated models. But in no case, even if those fragtors be projected by a human being, they are not premeditated apostasies. The continuity of shaping such fragtors is the general principle of their coming into being. It means that it has to be decided, no matter who or what is to do it, what direction to choose, what force. what strength and speed of the run. Therefore the attention on the making of each selection must be focused constantly. Shaping even the smallest section must not be in any case premeditated. must not be planned earlier, but it must take place in the very moment when a given point on a given track appears, no earlier and no later. In this respect the situation is completely different from the fragtors of broken consistency we discussed above. The real run of a fragtor remains unforeseen at each stage until the moment of fulfil ment. But the tissue of the run of many of these fragtors is an extremely subtle and hierarchically ordered knot. Meaningful examples of such fragtors in the cultural history of mankind are labirynths, which our civilization has been building since the most ancient of times. Another example may be paths (not only human) taken in the unknown wilderness.

Foto © Edward £azikowski. Fraktory FZ


Concentrically dense fragtors are fragtors created by forms appearing as the result of a shock wave of various plosions, both explosions and implosions. They are also created by forms caused by phenomena which are, in some way, their fragments, i.e. by avalanches. The visible graphic form in this case are the more or less separated, concentric circles or their fragments, as in the case of avalanches. In nature, here and farther away, we have numerous examples revealing those fragtors. They are so universal and characteristic. that we do not have to enumerate them now. Summing up what I have said about the basic kinds of fragtors I must add that they may combine in various configurations and producing different mutations. In such cases their behaviour, the principles of their run, are also adequately combined. All the works presented at the exhibition I made from wood dust, on a plane (the latter- because I had no alternative). Photography lets me save (although not very faithfully) those volatile creations which fall apart at the slightest blow or careless touch.

Edward £azikowski

£ód¼, December 1994

Translation: Maciej ¦wierkocki

Foto © Edward £azikowski. Fraktory FP


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Copyright ©1998 Galeria FF £DK, Edward £azikowski